这鸡煲的海参用的是现成泡发的海参仔。RM60可以买到6条,切块后有一碗的份量,也是一样爽脆胶原蛋白高,经济又实惠。鲍鱼是5头鲍的罐头即食鲍鱼,1罐才RM25,鲍鱼还满大只,很抵吃!我是在PJ的海味杂货店买的,你可以去你家附近的找找看,可能也买得到。简单的煮锅香菇鸡,再加入海参鲍鱼煮片刻,隆重又豪华但价钱亲民的一道年菜就可以上卓了! 分量:6-7人份 准备时间:15分钟 煮时:40 分钟 材料A: 8只 鸡腿 10只 即食鲍鱼(5头鲍 x 2罐) 400克 海参(现成泡发, 切块) 10粒 香菇(泡软) 5片 姜片 5瓣 火蒜(拍扁) 1汤匙 油 2汤匙 粟粉水(1汤匙粟米+2汤匙水拌匀) 材料B (调味料): 1汤匙 酱油 1茶匙 黑酱油 1汤匙 鲍鱼汁 3粒 冰糖 600毫升 水(盖过鸡腿) 材料C: 1粒 西兰花 (切朵) 少许 盐 少须 油 准备功夫: 1. 煮滚1锅水,加入少许盐和油,下西兰花焯水,沥水出锅 做法: 1. 热锅,加入姜片,煸香 2. 加入油和火蒜,炒匀爆香 3. 加入鸡腿和香菇,拌炒至鸡腿变色 4. 加入材料B,炒匀煮滚 5. 盖上,转慢火焖煮15钟 6. 起盖,加入海参和鲍鱼*,炒匀,盖上慢火煮10分钟 7. 起盖,拌炒片刻,食材出锅,摆盆 8. 酱汁加入粟粉水,勾芡 9. 把酱汁加入鸡煲里,慢火滚个2分钟 10. 完成,趁热享用 *小提示: 1. 海参和鲍鱼须随食材的本质自行调整煮时 2. 罐头即食鲍鱼不宜久煮,会变硬兼缩水
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Braised Chicken with Sea Cucumber & Abalone 鲍鱼海参鸡煲
Course: MainCuisine: Chinese6
minutesIt is a must to serve luxurious dishes during the CNY and if you know how to source the sea cucumber and canned abalone, this braised chicken dish is actually not that pricey and easy to make at home.
- Ingredients A
8 pc chicken drumstick
10 pc abalone
400 g sea cucumber (soaked)
10 pc shiitake mushroom
5 pc ginger
5 cloves roasted garlic (flattened)
1 tbsp cooking oil
2 tbsp cornstarch mixture (1 tbsp cornstarch + 2 tbsp water)
- Ingredients B (seasoning)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp abalone sauce
3 pc rock sugar
600 ml water (enough to submerge the chicken drumstick)
- Ingredients C
1 pc broccoli (cut)
Some salt
Some cooking oil
- Preparations
- Bring a pot of water to boil, add some salt & cooking oil, add broccoli & blanch, drain & retrieve
- Steps
- Heat the wok, add ginger slice, dry fry
- Add cooking oil & roasted garlic, saute
- Add chicken drumstick & shiitake mushroom, fry well
- Add Ingredients B, fry evenly & bring to boil
- Cover with lid, switch to low heat & simmer for 15 minutes
- Lift the lid, add sea cucumber & abalone, fry evenly, cover and continue simmer for 10 minutes
- Lift the lid, fry well, retrieve the ingredients & place into a pot
- Add corn starch mixture into the sauce & make gravy
- Add gravy into the pot, simmer for 2 minutes with low heat
- 10. Turn off the gas, it’s done!
Recipe Video
- Adjust your cooking duration by the sea cucumber & abalone ingredients
- Canned abalone is not recommended for prolonged cooking
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