需时:45 分钟
米粉 – 200克
瘦肉 – 200克 (切片)
鱼饼 – 2 条(切片)
菜心 – 300克 (1把)
芽菜 – 200克 (1大碗)
鸡蛋 – 2 粒
蒜头 – 5粒 (剁碎)
芹菜 – 1支 (切段)
红辣椒 – 少许 (切片)
油 – 4汤匙
盐 – 1 茶匙
蚝油 – 1 茶匙
黑酱油 – 1汤匙
酱油 – 3汤匙
水 – 3/4小碗 (如喜好比较干的炒米粉,水分要再减少)
1. 米粉浸水10分钟,沥干
2. 把菜心洗净,切小段
3. 清洗牙菜,去牙菜壳,沥干
4. 洗净鸡蛋,打入碗,搅均
5. 把调味料混合
1. 烧热锅下1汤匙油,倒入蛋液,炒熟,上碟待用
2. 烧热锅下3汤匙油,加入蒜头,炒香
3. 倒入猪肉片,炒至变色
4. 加入鱼饼片,炒均
5. 下米粉,菜心和芽菜,炒均至米粉呈油亮色
6. 倒入混合好的调味料, 再加入之前炒熟的蛋, 炒至收干水
7. 上碟洒上芹菜 和辣椒,完成。
⚠️ 转载食谱请注明食谱来自南洋小厨
⚠️ Please credit Nanyang Kitchen if you re-share this recipe
Homie Fried Mee Hoon (Bihun Goreng) 自家炒米粉
Course: MainCuisine: Chinese4
minutesFried mee hoon at home might not have the same “wok hei” as restaurants but with the right ingredients of your choice it is good for brunch, teatime or dinner
- Ingredients:
200g mee hoon
200g lean pork (slice it)
2 fish cake (slice it)
300g choy sum
200g bean sprouts
2 eggs
5 cloves of garlic (mince it)
1 celery (cut it)
Chilli (cut it)
4 tbsp oil
- Seasoning:
1 tsp salt
1 tsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp black soy sauce
3 tbsp soy sauce
¾ small bowl of water (less water if you prefer dry mee hoon)
- Preparations:
- Soak mee hoon for 10 minutes, then strain it
- Wash choy sum, cut it
- Wash bean sprouts, remove hulls, then strain it
- Wash and crack the eggs in a bowl, then whisk it
- Mix all the seasoning ingredients
- Steps:
- Heat the wok with 1 tbsp of oil, add in eggs mixture, fry till cooked, set it aside
- Heat the wok with 3 tbsp of oil, add in garlic and saute
- Add in lean pork, fry till cooked
- Add in fish cake, fry evenly
- Add in mee hoon, choy sum, bean sprouts, fry mee hoon evenly until translucent
- Add in seasoning mixed earlier, and fried eggs, fry until it loses some water
- Turn off the gas, dress it with celery and chilli, it’s done!
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