视频用的这类芦笋很嫩的,只须去掉比较硬的尾部,加点热水炒片刻就熟了,口感爽脆。至于带子,去冷藏海鲜店就买得到了。带子煮前要先解冻,然后用滚烫的水把带子焯水。这个步骤很重要,带子不焯水直接入锅煮,除了会释放出过多的水份,也会因突然收缩变小粒而影响了整道菜的卖相。煎带子时要用文火煎,大火煎的话带子的外层很容易就变焦黑。因为买到的带子很大粒,煎时同时加盖焗片刻,带子就能煎得内外同熟。至于如何判断带子已经煮熟了,当带子的中心点爆裂时就是了。这做法的带子很鲜嫩很好吃,新年就做这道菜贺年吧! 分量:7-8人份 准备时间:10分钟 煮时:20分钟 材料: 300克 带子(冷冻) 1把/300克 芦笋 ½ 条 胡萝卜(去皮切片) 1段/20克 姜(去皮切片) 5瓣 蒜头(去皮切片) 1茶匙 蚝油 1汤匙 花雕酒 少许 盐 少许 热水 1汤匙 粟粉水(1茶匙粟粉+1汤匙水) 2汤匙 油 准备功夫: 1. 把带子解冻,泡入滚水焯水3分钟,沥水待用 煮法: 1. 热锅,加入少许油,下带子,文火煎,盖上焗30秒,起盖,反另一面以文火煎,盖上焗30秒,起盖,伴炒至带子表面出裂痕,出锅待用 2. 把锅洗净,热锅,加入姜片,煸香 3. 加入2汤匙油,转大火,加入蒜头,炒匀爆香 4. 加入胡萝卜和芦笋, 炒匀片刻 5. 加入带子,热水和调味料,炒匀至芦笋变软 6. 加入粟粉水勾芡 7. 熄火上碟,趁热享用
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Stir-Fried Asparagus with Scallop 芦笋炒带子
Course: MainCuisine: ChineseServings
servingsPrep time
minutesCooking time
minutesIt’s important to defrost and blanch the scallop to get the best taste and look!
300 g scallop (frozen)
300 g asparagus
½ pc carrot (discard skin, slice it)
20 g ginger (discard skin, slice it)
5 cloves garlic (discard skin, slice it)
1 tsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp shaoxing wine
Some salt
Some hot water
1 tbsp cornstarch mixture (1 tsp cornstarch + 1 tbsp water)
2 tbsp cooking oil
- Preparations
- Defrost the scallop, blanch in boiled water for 3 minutes, drain and set aside
- Steps
- Heat the wok with oil, add scallop, fry with medium heat, cover with lid and simmer for 30 seconds, lift the lid and fry the other side with medium heat, cover and simmer for 30 seconds again, lift the lid, fry until the scallop’s surface begins to crack, retrieve and set aside
- Clean the wok, heat the wok, add ginger slices and saute
- Add 2 tbsp cooking oil, switch to high heat, add garlic and saute
- Add carrot, asparagus and fry briefly
- Add scallop, hot water, condiments and fry evenly until asparagus softens
- Add cornstarch mixture to make gravy
- Turn off the gas, it’s done!
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年菜食谱/菜单 CNY Recipe Compilation 2018 - 2021 - Nanyang Kitchen 南洋小厨