分量: 4-5人份
材料A (饼干底):
80克 Oreo饼干(去掉夹心)
30克 牛油(溶化)
材料B (蓝莓酱):
250克 蓝莓
40克 白砂糖
5毫升 柠檬汁
材料C (芝士蛋糕层):
30克 牛奶
15克 鱼胶粉
200克 奶油芝士 (软化)
40克 白砂糖
150克 原味优格
5毫升 柠檬汁
150克 鲜奶油(冷)
1. Oreo饼干压碎后加入溶化牛油拌均匀,倒入一个6寸模具底部铺,压均匀,放入冰箱冷冻层冷藏备用
2. 把蓝莓压烂,加入白砂糖,搅匀。然后,倒入锅内,加入柠檬汁,搅匀煮至蓝莓变软,待凉备用
3. 把牛奶隔水煮热,然后加入鱼胶粉搅拌煮溶
4. 准备1个打蛋盆,把白砂糖加入奶油芝士,打至光滑无颗粒,然后加入优格和柠檬汁,继续打匀
5. 把牛奶和鱼胶粉(3)倒入奶油芝士糊(4)里,拌匀打发
6. 准备另1个打蛋盆,加入鲜奶油,打发
7. 把已经打发的鲜奶油加入奶油芝士糊里,拌匀
8. 把奶油芝士糊平均分成3份,一份加入约70%份量的蓝莓酱(2)拌匀作为底层,一份加入剩余的蓝莓酱拌匀作为中间层,第3层的一份为原味层
9. 从冰箱取出含有冷藏好的饼干底模具,倒入蓝莓芝士糊,抹平和排气,收入冰箱冷冻层15分钟/至凝 固
10. 然后,取出倒入第二层芝士糊(重复9步骤)再收入冰箱冷冻层15分钟/至凝固
11. 最后取出加入最后一层原味芝士糊,放冰箱冷藏5小时以上至彻底凝固
12. 取出脱模,加上少许蓝莓做装饰即可
⚠️ 转载食谱请注明食谱来自南洋小厨
⚠️ Please credit Nanyang Kitchen if you re-share this recipe
Blueberry Cheese Cake 蓝莓芝士蛋糕
Course: DessertCuisine: Chinese4
hours3 layers of blueberry cheese cake for you to indulge!
- Ingredients A (Biscuit Bottom Layer)
80 g oreo biscuits (remove filling)
30 g butter (melted)
- Ingredients B (Blueberry Jam)
250 g blueberry
40 g granulated sugar
5 ml lemon juice
- Ingredients C (cheesecake layer)
30 g milk
15 g gelatin powder
200 g cream cheese
40 g granulated sugar
150 g original yogurt
5 ml lemon juice
150 g whipping cream
- Crush the oreo biscuits and mix well with melted butter, pour evenly into a 6-inches mould and store in the freezer
- Crush the blueberry and mix well with granulated sugar, pour into a pan, add lemon juice, stir well until blueberry softens, set aside and let it cool
- Boil the milk within a bowl with boiled water, add gelatin powder and mix well
- Add cream cheese with granulated sugar in a mixing bowl and mix well, add yogurt and lemon juice and continue mixing
- Add milk and gelatin powder (3) to the cream cheese mixture (4) and mix well
- Prepare another mixing bowl, add whipping cream and beat it
- Add whipped cream to the cream cheese mixture and fold evenly
- Split the mixture into 3 portions, first with 70% portion of blueberry jam (2) as the base, second with the balance of blueberry jam as the middle layer, third with the original cheese layer
- Retrieve the crushed biscuits from the freezer and add blueberry batter, spread well and knock to remove the bubble, store in the freezer for 15 minutes
- Retrieve the mould from the freezer, add the second blueberry batter and repeat the previous step
- Retrieve the mould again and add the final original cheese layer, chill for 5 hours or more
- Retrieve and demould, dress with blueberry and it’s done!
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