如果你喜好的口感是很稠很糊化的焖炸肉,就以面粉裹在五花肉上炸至金黄色再焖。不然,就以木薯粉/粟粉替代带面粉,焖炸肉就会是稠但不糊化,多吃几块肉也不会腻。 分量:5-6人份 准备时间:15分钟 煮时:20分钟+30分钟焖时 材料A(腌制): 2条/650克 五花肉(去皮切厚块) 2砖 南乳(+2汤匙南乳汁) 1汤匙 酱油 1汤匙 花雕酒 1茶匙 五香粉 ½ 茶匙 糖 ½ 茶匙 胡椒粉 1段/30克 文冬姜/老姜(去皮切小块拍扁) 5粒 红葱头(去衣切小块) 2汤匙 木薯粉 材料B: 适量 炸油 材料C: 50克 木耳 2砖 南乳(+2汤匙南乳汁压成糊) 5瓣 蒜头(去衣剁末) 1汤匙 酱油 1茶匙 糖 2汤匙 油 800毫升 水(盖过五花肉) 准备功夫: 1. 把文冬姜和红葱头摏成蓉,取汁 2. 把材料A拌匀(除了木薯粉), 然后加入木薯粉拌匀,腌制30分钟 3. 把木耳泡软焯水,待用 煮法: 1. 煮滚一锅适量的油,把已腌制好的五花肉加入油锅,炸至金黄色,沥油待用 2. 热锅,加入2汤匙油 3. 加入蒜头,炒匀爆香 4. 加入木耳和材料C的南乳,炒匀爆香 5. 加入炸肉,拌炒片刻 6. 加入水和其余的材料C,拌匀 7. 大火煮滚, 盖上,转慢火焖30分钟或至肉变软 8. 起盖,转大火, 炒匀收汁 9. 熄火,完成
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Hakka Braised Pork Belly with Black Fungus 客家木耳焖炸肉
Course: MainCuisine: Chinese5
minutesAlso known as Hakka Char Yoke, this is a classic Hakka dish often served during the Chinese New Year, especially if you have a Hakka cook in your family.
- Ingredients A:
2 pc / 650 g pork belly (remove skin & cut into pieces)
2 pc fermented red bean curd (+2 tbsp sauce)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp shaoxing wine
1 tsp five spice powder
½ tsp sugar
½ tsp pepper powder
1 pc / 20 g bentong / old ginger (peel off skin, cut & flatten it)
5 pc shallot (peel off skin & cut)
2 tbsp tapioca starch
- Ingredients B:
Adequate cooking oil for frying
- Ingredients C:
50 g black fungus
2 pc fermented red bean curd (+2 tbsp sauce & mash it)
5 clove garlic (peel off skin & mince it)
1 tbsp premium soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp cooking oil
800 ml water (enough to submerge the meat)
- Preparations:
- Mash ginger and shallot, retrieve juice
- Mix all Ingredients A (except the tapioca starch), add tapioca starch and mix well, marinate for 30 minutes
- Soak black fungus until softened and blanch, set aside
- Steps:
- Bring a pot of oil to boil, add marinated pork belly, fry until golden brown, drain and set aside
- Heat a wok, add 2 tbsp of cooking oil
- Add garlic and saute
- Add black fungus and fermented red bean curd (from Ingredients C), fry until fragrant
- Add fried pork belly, fry quickly
- Add water and the remaining of Ingredients C, fry evenly
- Bring to boil, cover with lid and switch to low heat, simmer for 30 minutes
- Lift the lid, switch to high heat until the sauce turns slightly ticker
- Turn off the gas, it’s done!
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年菜食谱/菜单 CNY Recipe Compilation 2018 - 2022 - Nanyang Kitchen 南洋小厨