这发糕食谱用到的主要食材是自发面粉,也就是已经加入泡打粉的预拌面粉。如果家里刚好有面粉和泡打粉的话,那你也可以自行以250克面粉加2.5茶匙泡打粉替代250克的自发面粉。你可能也会问为何这甜食会加入少许盐来调味?重点来了!是因为这食谱有用到椰奶!这做法是从马来友人那里学到的。凡是有加入椰奶的甜食,马来人的做法是会加入少许盐来调味的。盐除了可以去掉椰奶的腻味,也能把甜食的味道变得不‘死甜’,风味更佳。口说无凭,试做吃过你就知啦! 分量:4-5人份(7粒7cm发糕模) 准备时间:15分钟 煮时:20分钟 材料A: 250克 自发面粉(过筛) 100克 椰奶* 60克 砂糖 30克 玉米油 少许 盐 材料B(香兰水): 150克 水* 15片 香兰叶(洗净剪小段) 准备功夫: 1. 把材料B放入搅拌机搅至香兰叶变幼,沥渣,香兰水待用 做法: 1. 把材料A和150克的香兰水(材料B)混合,搅拌均匀至无颗粒,静置15分钟 2. 把面糊倒入含有纸杯的模具里(9分满),放入蒸笼* 3. 盖上,用块干净的湿布封住锅盖的透气孔*,大火蒸20分钟* 4. 熄火起盖,发糕离锅,完成 *小提示: 1. 蒸笼锅气锅压越大,发糕开的花就越大 2. 用块湿布封住锅盖的透气孔,增加锅压,发糕就可以蒸到开大花的效果。如果锅盖是密封锅盖,可省略这步骤 3. 蒸时会因不同的模具,蒸笼气压而有出入。可以用叉或竹签插入发糕的中心点测试熟度, 如果叉或竹签拉出来还粘有糊浆,须再加长蒸时 4. 如果用的包装椰奶是高稠度以至面糊无法调成糊状,可自行调高香兰水份调至面糊稠得可以流动
⚠️ 转载食谱请注明食谱来自南洋小厨
⚠️ Please credit Nanyang Kitchen if you re-share this recipe
Pandan Steamed Cake 香兰发糕
Course: Dessert, SidesCuisine: ChineseServings
piecesPrep time
minutesCooking time
minutesHave you tried making pandan huat kueh a.k.a. fa gao? It’s fluffy and aromatic!
- Ingredients A
250 g self-raising flour (sifted)
100 g coconut milk*
60 g caster sugar
30 g corn oil
½ tsp salt
- Ingredients B (pandan juice)
150 g water*
15 slices pandan leaves (wash and cut into small pieces)
- Preparations
- Insert Ingredients B into a blender and blend until smooth, sieve and set aside
- Steps
- Combine both ingredients A and 150g pandan juice (ingredients B), mix well and set aside for 15 minutes
- Fill the mixture into the moulds (90% filled), transfer to the steamer*
- Cover with a lid, cover the vent with a damp cloth*, steam it with high heat for 20 minutes*
- Turn off the gas, lift the lid, retrieve the huat kueh and it’s done!
Recipe Video
- The higher the steamer’s pressure, the bigger the “flower” of huat kueh
- The purpose of blocking the vent with damp cloth is to increase the pressure within the steamer
- Adjust your own steaming duration as it depends on the steamer you are using, you can use a fork to poke the center of the huat kueh to gauge whether it is done
- Some packed coconut milk might be thicker so you might need to increase the pandan juice portion for smoother texture
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马来西亚的发糕:文化之美 - Mandarin.my