在阳台尝试用花盆种了棵豆角树,即然一种成功,小小的收成,满满成就感! 如果你也想试试自家栽种豆角,不妨试试我们家的这个种法。首先用有机泥土把花盆填满, 挖个洞,放入一颗豆角种子,埋起来。然后,一天浇两次水。当树苗长出3,4片叶子后,就加入叶面肥,一个星期加一次。来到开花要结豆时,就换成每个星期加一次瓜果肥。当豆角长至20cm-30cm, 豆身结实又开始冒出种子的凹凸型时,也就是大概40天左右,就可以收採了。祝大家试种愉快! 用具: 花盆(26cm宽) x 1 小泥铲 x1 搭菜架 x 3 浇水壶 x 1 材料: 有机土壤 Baba Organic Vegimix (7L) x 1 叶面肥 Mr Ganick 532 Organic Leafy Fertilizer (400g) x 1 瓜果肥 Mr Ganick 426 Organic Melon Vegetable Fertilizer (400g) x 1 长豆种子 VE-009 Oily Green Long Bean x 1 (花盆种植:1颗种子 x 1个花盆) 种植法: 1. 用有机泥土把花盆填满, 挖个洞,放入一颗豆角种子,覆盖,一天浇两次水 2. 当树苗长出3-4片叶仔后,就加入有机叶面肥*,一个星期加一次,施肥后浇水 3. 当树身长至15公分高时,立支架支撑藤蔓生长 4. 豆角开花就是开始结豆了,这时候把叶面肥换成有机瓜果肥,同样的一个星期加一次,施肥后浇水 5. 当豆角长至20cm-30cm, 结实又开始冒出凹凸型时,大概40天左右,就可以收採*了 小提示: 1. 肥料须施在距离树身10cm-15cm 2. 豆角树可以收成2-3次,收採后先施叶面肥,开花后才再施瓜果肥,这样就可以延长豆角树的寿命
Harvesting the vegetables you plant yourself is a small happiness money can’t buy! If you are interested in growing long beans at home, why not follow our tried and tested way? Watch the video to find out and happy farming! Tools: Flower pot (26cm) x 1 Gardening trowel x 1 Gardening stick x 3 Watering can x 1 Materials: Organic Vegimix (7L) x 1 Mr Ganick 532 Organic Leafy Fertilizer (400g) x 1 Mr Ganick 426 Organic Melon Vegetable Fertilizer (400g) x 1 VE-009 Oily Green Long Bean x 1 Planting: 1. Fill the pot with organic vegimix, make a hole, sow the seed then cover, water twice daily 2. When 3-4 leaves are grown, add leafy fertilizer* weekly, water after fertilization 3. When it is around 15cm tall, stake the plant to provide strength and support 4. When blossom and beans forming, add melon vegetable fertilizer weekly instead of leafy fertilizer, water after fertilization 5. When the long beans have grown until 20-30 cm tall (which is after around 40 days), you can harvest* when the beans are shaping and solid! Steps: 1. Add the fertilizer around 10-15cm away from the plant 2. You can harvest 2-3 times, add leafy fertilizer after harvest, add melon vegetable fertilizer after blossom, the plant’s life cycle can be extended if you follow this way
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