如果你讲究的白斩鸡是皮脆肉嫩刚刚熟兼带少红的,那你就跟着啊豪师傅之前教过的广式白斩鸡做法做。 我们家的白斩鸡做法主打懒人超简单一锅熟做法。首先煮滚一锅足够盖过鸡的水,加入鸡只,转慢火加盖留缝煮25分钟,白斩鸡就做好了。是不是很容易?来到炒芫荽姜茸酱,我们的家传独门小秘方就是加入霎过鸡的鸡汤油去炒。不用加什么味精鸡精粉,芫荽姜茸酱立马煮到味!没试过这做法的朋友,新年你也试试这个做法吧! 分量:7-8 人份 准备时间:15分钟 煮时:1个小时 材料A: 1只(3kg) 菜园鸡 5片 姜 1茶匙 盐 1锅 / 4公升 水 (盖过鸡) 白斩鸡的做法: 1. 把材料A的水煮沸,下姜片和盐, 搅匀 2. 加入鸡只, 转慢火加盖留缝煮25分钟* 3. 鸡只出锅,上碟待凉*,斩块上碟 材料B(芫荽姜蓉酱): 2汤匙 油 4汤匙 鸡汤油 (取自于煮过鸡的汤油) 200克 幼姜 (去皮剁末) 150克 芫荽 (去根剁末) 6 瓣 蒜头(去衣剁碎) 1茶匙 盐 煮法: 1. 热锅下油,加入姜末蒜头末,炒匀爆香 2. 加入鸡汤油,炒匀 3. 加入芫荽末和盐,炒至芫荽变软 4. 出锅,淋在白斩鸡上,趁热享用 小提示: 1. 可以用只筷子插入鸡腿(最厚的部分)测试熟度,插穿得过表示鸡已经熟了,插穿不过就加长煮时 2. 鸡只还热的话就斩块,鸡肉会比较容易散落而影响卖相。所以建议鸡只凉了再斩,皮肉会比较完整而不脱落
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Poached Chicken with Coriander Ginger Sauce 芫荽姜茸白斩鸡
Course: MainCuisine: ChineseServings
servingsPrep time
minutesCooking time
hourHere’s an easy method to create a delectable poached chicken dish, complemented by a coriander ginger sauce. It’s tasty even without applying any MSG. Why not give it a shot during this Chinese New Year?
- Ingredients A
1 pc kampong chicken (3kg)
5 slice ginger
1 tsp salt
1 pot / 4L water (enough to submerge the chicken)
- Ingredients B (Coriander Ginger Sauce)
2 tbsp cooking oil
4 tbsp chicken oil (from the chicken broth)
200 g young ginger (peel & mince)
150 g coriander (mince)
6 clove garlic (peel & mince)
1 tsp salt
- Steps (Poached Chicken)
- Bring a pot of water from Ingredients A to boil, add ginger slice & salt, mix well
- Add chicken, switch to low heat, cover with lid & leave a gap, cook for 25 minutes*
- Retrieve the chicken, leave it to cool*, cut & place on a plate
- Steps (Coriander Ginger Sauce)
- Heat the wok with cooking oil, add young ginger & garlic, saute
- Add chicken oil, fry well
- Add coriander & salt, fry until coriander softens
- Retrieve the coriander ginger sauce, add on the chicken, serve hot!
Recipe Video
- Gently poke a chopstick into the flesh of the drumstick (the thickest part) to check the doneness of the chicken, the chicken is done if the chopstick can go through the meat easily, otherwise you need to cook the chicken further/longer
- It is recommended to chop the chicken after it’s cool down for the solidness of the chunks, otherwise the chunks will be scattered and might not look pleasant visually
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