我们家的年糕每年不是配着椰丝吃,就是夹芋头番薯炸来吃。今年可不同啦,我们有厂家Oasis Live Mall教做两款超容易又好吃的金砖年糕。一款是用现成酥皮把年糕折起包好,刷一层蛋黄,再送入气炸锅烤10分钟,酥皮金砖年糕就出炉了。另一款更简单,把年糕沾一层面粉,再来一层鸡蛋液和最后一层的面包糠,同样的送入气炸锅烤10分钟,面包糠金砖年糕又做好啦。一味两吃的金砖年糕,简单又好吃,你也试做吧! 分量:4-5人份 准备时间:15 分钟+- 煮时:20分钟+-(烤时) 1. 酥皮年糕 材料: 5片 年糕 (切厚片小块) 5片 现成酥皮 1粒 蛋黄 做法: 1. 把现成酥皮对半切开 2. 加入一块年糕,折起包好 3. 重复以上步伐把年糕包完 4. 把年糕放入气炸锅的内锅里,在酥皮上方刷上一层蛋黄 5. 以180°C烤10分钟 6. 酥皮年糕出锅,趁热食用 2. 面包糠年糕 材料: 3片 年糕 (切厚片小块) 2粒 鸡蛋 50克 面粉 50克 面包糠 适量 油 做法: 1. 把年糕沾上一层面粉,然后蛋液,最后一层裹上面包糠。 2. 把年糕放入气炸锅的内锅里,以180°C烤10分钟 3. 在烤时的第5分钟里,拉出来在刷上一层油 4. 继续烤至设置的10分钟 5. 面包糠年糕出锅,趁热食用
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2-in-1 Baked CNY Nian Gao 金砖年糕
Course: DessertCuisine: ChineseServings
servingsPrep time
minutesCooking time
minutesHave you tried these nian gao desserts? Find out how to easily make nian gao puff pastry and breaded nian gao, a 2-in-1 combo with just an air fryer.
- 1. Nian Gao Puff Pastry
5 pc nian gao (thick slices)
5 pc puff pastry sheet
1 pc egg yolk
- 2. Breaded Nian Gao
5 pc nian gao (cut thick slices)
2 pc egg
50 g flour
50 g breadcrumbs
Some oil
- 1. Nian Gao Puff Pastry
- Cut puff pastry sheet into halves
- Add a piece of nian gao and wrap
- Repeat the steps above for the rest of the nian gao
- Insert nian gao into the air fryer, brush a layer of egg yolk on the surface
- Bake at 180°c for 10 minutes
- Retrieve and ready to serve!
- 2. Breaded Nian Gao
- Coat nian gao with flour, followed by egg yolk, then breadcrumbs
- Insert nian gao into the air fryer, bake at 180°c for 10 minutes
- Retrieve during the 5th minute and brush a layer of cooking oil
- Continue baking for 5 minutes
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年菜食谱/菜单 CNY Recipe Compilation 2018 - 2021 - Nanyang Kitchen 南洋小厨