婉娟的素盆菜主要分为3个部分那就是炸料,汆烫食材和煮素高汤。然后摆盆,也就是把所有材料做的大组合,再以慢火滚个2分钟,简单又高颜值豪华素盆菜就做好啦! 分量:9-10人份 准备时间:30分钟 煮时:40分钟 材料A (炸料): 200克 素虾 200克 素鸭 300克 素三层肉 100克/2条 杏鲍菇 (切厚块画纹路) 300克/1粒 芋头 (去皮切厚片) 材料B (素高汤): 200克 大白菜 (切片) 200克/1粒 莲藕 (去皮切片) 300克/2条 白萝卜 (去皮斜切块) ½ 条 胡萝卜 (去皮斜切块) 1条 玉米 (切4段) 1汤匙 枸杞 5片 当归 6粒 红枣 (去籽) 1公升 水 材料C (其余食材): 10粒 素鲍鱼 300克 素鱼丸 50克 素鱼翅 200克 鲜香菇 (切十字花) 200克 鸿喜菇 100克 白果 150克 甜豆 5条 玉米笋 1粒 西兰花 (切小朵) 半条 胡萝卜 (刻花切片) 材料D: 1汤匙 照烧酱 1茶匙 盐 2汤匙 木薯粉水 (1汤匙木薯粉+2汤匙水拌匀) 适量 油 准备功夫: 1. 煮滚一锅油,把材料A各别炸至金黄色,沥油待用 2. 煮滚一锅水,加入2汤匙油,把材料B各别汆烫,沥水待用 高汤做法: 1. 把材料B的水煮滚,加入材料B的所有食材,盖上大火煮10分钟, 转文火煮15分钟 2. 起盖,食材出锅待用 3. 把照烧酱和盐加入高汤调味 4. 加入木薯粉水勾芡,高汤完成待用 组合: 1. 把煮素高汤的大白菜,白罗卜和莲藕均匀的铺在个平底锅/ 瓦煲 2. 把材料A&C(素鱼翅除外)均匀的铺上 3. 把素鱼翅铺在锅的中心 4. 淋上素高汤,小火滚2分钟 5. 熄火,素盆菜完成
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Vegetarian Pen Cai 聚宝素盆菜
Course: MainCuisine: Chinese10
minutesAfter what we have gone through, let’s start the new year with an auspicious vegetarian treasure pot, a.k.a. poon choi in Cantonese, or pen cai in Chinese.
- Ingredients A (fried stuffs):
200 g vegetarian shrimp
200 g vegetarian duck
300 g vegetarian pork belly
100 g / 2 pc king oyster mushroom (cut into thick slices)
300 g / 1 pc taro yam (peeled & cut into thick slices)
- Ingredients B (vegetarian broth):
200 g chinese cabbage (cut)
200 g / 1 pc lotus root (peeled & cut)
300 g / 2 pc white radish (peeled & cut)
½ pc carrot (peeled & cut)
1 pc corn (cut into 4 pieces)
1 tbsp wolfberry
5 pc dong quai
6 pc red dates (seedless)
1 litre water
- Ingredients C (others):
10 pc vegetarian abalone
300 g vegetarian fish ball
50 g vegetarian shark fin
200 g shiitake mushroom
200 g brown shimeji mushroom
100 g ginkgo seed
150 g snap pea
5 pc baby corn
1 pc broccoli (cut)
½ pc carrot (peeled & cut into flower shape)
- Ingredients D (seasoning):
1 tbsp teriyaki sauce
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp tapioca flour mixture (1 tbsp tapioca flour + 2 tbsp water, mix well)
Adequate cooking oil
- Preparations:
- Heat the wok with adequate cooking oil, add Ingredients A separately and fry until golden brown, drain & set aside
- Bring a pot of water to boil, add 2 tbsp cooking oil, blanch Ingredients B separately, drain & set aside
- Steps (vegetarian broth):
- Bring to boil the water used for Ingredients B, add Ingredient B, cover with lid and simmer with high heat for 10 minutes, then switch to medium heat and simmer for 15 minutes
- Lift the lid, retrieve the ingredients, drain and set aside
- Add teriyaki sauce and salt to season the broth
- Add tapioca mixture to make gravy, broth is done and set aside
- Combination:
- Place chinese cabbage, white radish, lotus root evenly into a flat pot / claypot
- Add Ingredients A and C (except vegetarian shark fin) into the pot
- Add vegetarian shark fin at the center of the pot
- Add vegetarian broth, simmer for 2 minutes with low heat
- Turn off the gas, vegetarian pen cai is ready to be served!
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年菜食谱/菜单 CNY Recipe Compilation 2018 - 2022 - Nanyang Kitchen 南洋小厨