分量:5-6 人份
需时:60 分钟
腊鸭腿 – 1只
腊肉 – 1/2条
腊肠 – 1条
润肠 – 1条
芽菇 – 3粒 (去皮)
香米 – 2杯/ 300克 (洗净沥干待用)
水 – 2.5杯
葱头仔 – 3粒/ 50克 (去皮剁碎)
油 – 2汤匙
盐 – 1茶匙
青葱 – 1把(洗净切段)
芫茜 – 1把(洗净切段)
香港芥兰 – 4棵 (洗净芥兰,去粗梗老皮)
香油 – 2汤匙
麻油 – 2汤匙
生抽 – 2汤匙
蚝油 – 2汤匙
老抽 – 2汤匙
1. 用少许姜丝,水加在腊鸭上,大火蒸30分钟去咸味,冲洗沥干待用
2. 烫熟香港芥兰待用
3. 把调味料混合搅匀
1. 烧热瓦锅,下油,葱头仔蓉,爆香
2. 加入水,米,盐,搅匀
3. 大火煮滚后,加盖转小火慢煮,加入材料A
4. 加盖继续煮至水分完全收干,米饭均匀熟透,熄火*
5. 把材料A取出切片,再摆回在饭上
6. 加入香港芥兰, 淋上调味料(分量跟自己喜好)
7. 洒上青葱和芫茜,完成
1. 把米煮成饭的时间大盖是45分钟
⚠️ 转载食谱请注明食谱来自南洋小厨
⚠️ Please credit Nanyang Kitchen if you re-share this recipe
Waxed Meat Claypot Rice (Lap Mei Fun) 腊味饭
Course: MainCuisine: Chinese6
hourIf you follow Chef Chan’s recipe here not only you save $ dining out, you get to also enjoy restaurant’s standard lap mei fun at home plus lots of love for your family
- Ingredients (Set A):
1 waxed duck thigh
½ bacon
1 Chinese sausage
1 Chinese liver sausage
3 bud mushroom
- Ingredients (Set B):
300g fragrant rice (wash and rinse it)
2.5 cup of water
50g shallot (peel and mince it)
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt
- Ingredients (Set C):
1 stalk of spring onion (wash and cut it)
1 stalk of coriander (wash and cut it)
4 Hong Kong kailan (wash it)
- Seasoning:
2 tbsp scallion oil
2 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
4 tsp sugar
1 small bowl of water
- Preparations:
- Apply some ginger slices, water on waxed duck thigh, steam with high heat for 30 minutes, wash, rinse and set it aside
- Blanch Hong Kong kailan, set it aside
- Mix all seasoning ingredients and stir well
- Steps:
- Heat the clay pot, add in oil, minced shallot and saute
- Add in water, rice, salt, stir well
- Boil over high heat, cover with lid and switch to low heat, add in all Ingredients stated in Set A when the water is drying up
- Cover with lid and continue heating until water dries up completely, turn off the gas when the rice turns translucent *
- Retrieve ingredients stated in Set A, cut into pieces and place it back on the rice
- Add in kailan, seasoning ingredients (to your own preference)
- Dress with spring onion, coriander, it’s done!
Recipe Video
- It will take around 45 minutes to cook the rice
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