分量: 3-4人份
需时: 40分钟
石斑鱼尾 – 1 尾(500克)
香菜 – 少许(切段)
葱 – 少许 (切段)
酱油蒸材料 :
幼姜 – 1颗 (200克)
蒜头 – 3瓣
小葱头 – 3粒
酱油 – 1茶匙
蚝油 – 1茶匙
盐 – ½ 茶匙
糖 – ¼ 茶匙
水 – 1小碗 (100毫升)
油 – 3 汤匙
1. 把鱼尾洗净,再每面割1刀
2. 蒜头,小葱头去皮
3. 把幼姜, 蒜头 和小葱头,放入搅拌机,加少许水,搅成蓉
1. 烧热锅加油,下姜蓉,爆香 (大该5分钟)
2. 倒入水,下调味料,
3. 煮沸,上碗待用
1. 把鱼放入含有滚水的锅内,大火蒸3分钟飞水
2. 把蒸鱼酱到入鱼上,再放回锅内蒸10分钟*
3. 上卓,洒上香菜和葱段,完成。
* 小提示:可用铁叉叉入鱼最厚得部分测试鱼的熟度,叉得过鱼身就表示鱼已经熟了,叉不过就再蒸煮1-2分钟。
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Steamed Grouper with Ginger Sauce 姜茸蒸石斑鱼尾
Course: MainCuisine: Chinese4
minutesI might not be the prettiest but I taste as good as other steamed fish!
- Ingredients:
1 grouper fishtail (~500g)
1 strand of coriander (cut it)
1 strand of spring onion (cut it)
- Ingredients for sauce:
1 pc of ginger (~200g)
3 cloves of garlic
3 shallot
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp oyster sauce
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp sugar
1 small bowl of water (~100ml)
3 tbsp oil
- Preparations:
- Wash the fishtail and leave a cut on each side
- Peel off the skin of garlic and shallot
- Blend ginger, garlic, shallot (add some water) with blender to make ginger sauce
- Steps to prepare sauce:
- Heat the wok, add in ginger sauce and saute for around 5 minutes
- Add in water and seasoning
- Sauce is ready, set aside
- Steps to steam fish:
- Steam the fish over high heat for 3 minutes, discard the water afterwards
- Add in sauce (prepared earlier above), steam it again for ~10 minutes*
- Done! Garnish it with coriander, spring onion slices
Recipe Video
- To check doneness of the fish, gently poke a fork into the flesh of the fish and twist gently. If the flesh flakes apart easily, then the fish is done
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