喜欢吃榴莲但又不能 tahan(容忍)它留在家里或冰箱的气味?现有好几种方法除异味,其中把厕所那招改成以下这步骤,超简单和有效唷!
- 划根(或两三根)火柴
- 点燃火柴把它丢进一杯水
- 把杯放进冰箱或桌上
- 向臭气说拜拜
* 提示:家有小朋友的点火柴时要注意,安全至上啊!
Love eating durian but can’t stand the aftermath smell in your house or fridge? While there are a couple of tips to get rid of durian smell in the room or fridge, here is a super easy hack to get rid of the smell without much hassle.
Originally inspired by the application in the bathroom, we adapt it to such way:
- Light a match (or two)
- Let it burn and flush it down into a container of water
- Place the container in the fridge, or on the table
- Ta-da! Let’s give it a try?
This is not only applicable to durian, but also after your cooking session especially if your kitchen does not have good ventilation
* Tips: Be careful when lighting the match and make sure to blow it out, avoid doing this in front of your kids
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