用铁锅之前记得要先开锅, 养养锅!当锅身的天然油层形成后,无涂层铁锅就会达到不沾效果,用久久都没问题!
- 用热水将锅身洗净后擦干,然后小火将其烘干
- 用食用油或一块花肉以螺旋状擦拭内壁,使油脂均匀分布在整个锅面
- 待油脂浸透整个内壁后放置10分钟左右,等其自然冷却后倒出
- 用热水将锅具清洗一遍后(注意:期间不能使用钢丝球和化学用剂如洗洁精等),然后小火将其烘干
- 重复上一步动作三到四遍
- 往锅内倒入少数食用油,用厨房纸均匀的涂抹在锅体内壁,新锅开锅程序完成
Did you know that cast iron wok needs to be seasoned to become non-stick?
- Wash the wok with hot water and wipe it clean, dry it with low heat.
- Wipe the inner wok with cooking oil or a piece of pork belly, make sure the oil is distributed evenly throughout the inner surface.
- Let the oil stay on the inner surface for around 10 minutes and pour it out.
- Wash the wok again with hot water (don’t use any stainless steel cleaner or detergent), dry it with low heat.
- Repeat steps above for 3 to 4 rounds.
- Pour a small portion of cooking oil into the wok, wipe it with kitchen paper towel evenly throughout the inner surface, it’s done!
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