整理了我们家做叁巴酱的小细节,方便大家参考后就能随心应手调整食材,煮出自己喜好口味的叁巴酱。辣椒糊的辣椒可以用红辣椒,辣椒干或两者兼用。单用红辣椒炒的辣椒糊,会是少辣和颜色更亮红。而只是用辣椒干的话,炒好的辣椒糊会比较辣和暗红色。如果是两者兼用,颜色和辣度则适中。来到搅拌辣椒糊底料时,建议以油替代水。这样的辣椒糊,会比含水量高的辣椒糊更容易爆出红油。炒辣椒糊时全程须要用慢火,切勿待至油大滚锅冒烟时才下辣椒糊炒,即使之后转小火炒,辣椒糊也会是带苦味的。糖和啊叁膏是马来叁巴酱的主要调味料。至于蚝油酱油什么的,也可以随意自行加入。最后,加入配料炒匀,视频的是马铃薯和江鱼仔,你也可以把它换成tempeh,水煮蛋等等,叁巴辣炒小菜就做好啦。 分量:3-4人 准备时间:20分钟 煮时:30分钟 材料A: 5瓣 蒜头(去衣) 1粒 大葱头(去衣切小块) 8粒 红葱头(去衣) 1段/30克 姜(去皮切小块) 10条 辣椒干(泡软剪小段) 3条 红辣椒(切小段) 1汤匙 虾米(泡软) 1茶匙 巴拉煎粉 4汤匙 油 材料B: 4粒 马铃薯*(去皮切条) 1把/100克 江鱼仔* (洗净沥干) 1粒 大葱头(去衣切片) 2茶匙 糖 1茶匙 亚叁膏 (加2汤匙水搅匀) 2汤匙 油 准备功夫: 1. 把材料A,放入搅拌机搅幼 2. 把马铃薯炸至金黄色/熟,沥油待用,同样的油锅把江鱼仔炸至金黄色/脆,沥油待用 煮法: 1. 把材料B的油和搅幼的材料A加入锅,慢火伴炒至变色 2. 加入糖,继续慢炒至出辣椒油/油糊分明(10-15分钟) 3. 加入大葱头,伴炒片刻 4. 加入亚叁膏*,炒匀调味 5. 加入马铃薯和江鱼仔,炒匀 6. 熄火出锅,趁热享用 小提示*: 1. 马铃薯切条后泡水片刻,洗去淀粉,沥水才炸,炸薯条会比较脆口 2. 江鱼仔须快速冲洗沥水入油锅,才能炸得脆口。切勿洗后待至江鱼仔吸水和变软后才炸,这样的江鱼仔是很难炸脆的 3. 加入亚叁膏后,可以再加入糖或盐调至自己喜好的口味
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Sambal Potato & Ikan Bilis 叁巴辣炒马铃薯江鱼仔
Course: MainCuisine: Chinese4
minutesMaking the right sambal paste to your liking, making the ikan bilis (anchovies) and potato strips crispy is the essence of this dish.
- Ingredients A
5 cloves garlic (skin off)
1 pc onion (skin off and slice)
8 pc shallot (skin off)
1 pc / 30 g ginger (skin off and cut)
10 pc dried chili (soak until soften and cut)
3 pc red chili (cut)
1 tbsp dried shrimp (soak until soften)
1 tsp belacan powder
4 tbsp cooking oil
- Ingredients B
4 pc potato* (peel skin and cut into strips)
100 g anchovies (wash & drain)
1 pc onion (skin off and slice)
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp asam paste (mix with 2 tbsp of water)
2 tbsp cooking oil
- Preparations
- Use a blender to blend Ingredients A
- Fry potato until golden brown / cooked, drain and set aside, with the same wok, fry the anchovies until golden brown or crispy, drain and set aside
- Steps
- Add the blended Ingredients A and cooking oil from Ingredients B into the wok, stir fry with low heat until color changes
- Add sugar, continue to stir fry with low heat until the chili oil is formed / oil and chili paste separated
- Add onion, fry briefly
- Add asam paste*, fry evenly and season
- Add potato and anchovies, stir well
- Turn off the gas and it’s done!
Recipe Video
- In order to make the potato crispy, soak the potato strips briefly to wash off the starch, and fry only after draining
- In order to make the anchovies crispy, wash and drain the anchovies quickly before frying, otherwise it will be difficult to fry the anchovies if you leave them too long
- You can season with sugar or salt to your liking after adding the asam paste
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