Not sure what to cook today for your family? Presenting you 5 combos of 3 dishes + 1 soup!
菜单 Combo #1
菜单 Combo #2
菜单 Combo #3
菜单 Combo #4
菜单 Combo #5
【菜单 Combo #1】
玉米ABC汤 ABC Soup with Corn
这汤的做法正如其名, 简单容易如唸ABC,满贯营养又美味!
ABC Soup, as easy as A-B-C!
蒜辣香葱酱油虾 Stir-Fried Chilli Garlic Prawn with Soy Sauce
Chilli + Garlic + Scallions + Prawns + Soy Sauce = Spicy & Tasteful!
菜脯蛋 Preserved Radish Omelette (Chai Po Neng)
If it’s too salty you can try with sweet chai po, just add a bit of salt you get the best of both worlds!
包菜斋 (斋菜) Vegan Stir Fried Cabbage (Vegetarian)
Soy sauce brings out the best of cabbage in this vegan dish
【菜单 Combo #2】
莲藕花生粉葛汤 Lotus Root Soup with Peanuts & Kudzu Root
I always save the best for last but I can’t decide whether should it be lotus root, kudzu root or peanuts?
客家米酒盐蒸鸡 Hakka Steamed Salted Chicken with Rice Wine
把米酒和盐抹在半熟的鸡只上,然后送它入冰箱做一夜Spa, 第二天再蒸个20分钟,一道美味菜又完成了!
Let’s treat the chicken a relaxing spa first with rice wine and salt before it becomes a delicious treat the next day
江鱼仔炒芫菜苗 Stir Fried Baby Spinach with Ikan Bilis
Mixing the crispiness of ikan bilis to the smoothness of baby spinach is like a perfect Yin & Yang
虾米焖茄子 Braised Eggplant with Dried Shrimp
My 98 years old hakka grandma used to cook this dish when she was younger, its soft texture is easy for both kids and elderly
【菜单 Combo #3】
滚紫菜鱼滑汤 Seaweed Soup with Fish Paste
This is an express soup recipe, can be done within 30 minutes!
豆酱蒸排骨 Steamed Pork Ribs with Taucu
Easy, fast, free of cooking smell, goes along well with rice – couldn’t ask for more ?
烧肉炒蛇豆 Fried Roasted Pork with Snake Beans
This might not be cheap but the crispness of snake beans after frying, plus the ever lovely roasted pork, is wonderful!
咸鱼炒芽菜青龙菜 Stir-Fried Green Dragon Vegetable with Salted Fish
听闻在东马不易买到青龙菜,是真的吗? 这菜的口感爽嫩,有点大蒜,又有点韭菜味,东马的朋友如果来西马游玩时,顺道也尝尝这道菜吧,不错吃哦!
Calling foodies from Sabah or Sarawak, have you tried green dragon vegetable before?
【菜单 Combo #4】
西洋菜汤 Watercress Soup
Did you know Watercress Soup is good for your (sore) throat and lung?
黄姜粉炸甘榜鱼 Deep Fried Ikan Kembung with Turmeric Powder
黄姜粉含有独特天然香气,把它抹在鱼身,腌制后油炸,酥脆之余又富含香气,再沾上自制的简易马来酱油沾酱,sedap gila!
This is super easy and yummy! Just marinate with turmeric powder before deep-frying the fish, and it’s done! Don’t forget the cap kipas udang though
酸甜蛤蜊 Sweet & Sour Clams
Calling all ladies – If you take clams often, it helps to reduce the risk of anemia, cleanse your body, and even lose fat, wow!
虾米炒节瓜 Stir Fried Hairy Marrow with Dried Shrimp
You can also try without boiling hairy marrow and carrot first, the difference could be just in the aspect of food presentation only
【菜单 Combo #5】
青白萝卜蚝豉汤 Green & White Radish Soup with Dried Oyster
加入青萝卜熬煮的白萝卜老火汤,双剑合璧, 丰富了此汤的营养价值
The green and white radish complements one another in this nourishing soup
大头菜蒸肉饼 Steamed Meat Patty with Preserved Turnip
Friendly reminder to soak the preserved turnip first otherwise you might want to add Salty to Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust & Fear
番茄炒蛋 Tomato Egg / Stir-Fried Egg with Tomatoes
Even with the same recipe and ingredients, the taste varies with different cook – this is the beauty of Chinese food!
蒜苗腊肠 Stir-Fried Leek with Chinese Sausage
The fragrance of rice wine is irresistible if you are a Lap Cheong fans
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